Letter S

sw-nginx-module-srcache in CentOS/RHEL 9 (x86_64) - Transparent subrequest-based caching layout for arbitrary NGINX locations

Website: https://github.com/dvershinin/srcache-nginx-module
License: BSD
Vendor: GetPageSpeed LLC
This module provides a transparent caching layer for arbitrary NGINX
locations (like those use an upstream or even serve static disk

The caching behavior is mostly compatible with RFC 2616.

After installation, enable this module by running:

    plesk sbin nginx_modules_ctl --enable srcache
Distro notes:
This package is compatible with all RHEL-based distributions, including CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Rocky Linux, etc.

How to Install sw-nginx-module-srcache in CentOS/RHEL 9 (x86_64)

# The Plesk control panel must be installed on your server.
sudo dnf -y install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm
sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf config-manager --enable getpagespeed-extras-plesk
sudo dnf -y install sw-nginx-module-srcache


sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.3+0.32-1.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [44 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.2+0.32-8.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [44 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.2+0.32-6.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.2+0.32-4.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.2+0.32-3.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.1+0.32-3.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.26.0+0.32-3.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.24.0+0.32-3.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.24.0+0.32-1.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.22.1+0.32-1.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
sw-nginx-module-srcache-1.20.2+0.32-1.el9.pl18.gps.x86_64 [45 KiB] (no changelog entry)
