Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- perl-Acme-Comment - Acme::Comment Perl module
- perl-Data-Types - Validate and convert data types
- perl-Data-Validate-IP - IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
- perl-Git - Perl interface to Git
- perl-Importer - Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols
- perl-Sub-Info - Tool for inspecting subroutines
- perl-Term-Size-Any - Retrieve terminal size
- perl-Term-Size-Perl - Perl extension for retrieving terminal size (Perl version)
- perl-Term-Table - Format a header and rows into a table
- perl-Test-Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests
- perl-Test2-Suite - Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework
- phpcompatinfo - Find the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of PHP code to run
- python2-cloudflare - Python wrapper for the Cloudflare Client API v4
- python2-sde - Python 2 module to edit simple data
- python34-setuptools_scm_git_archive - A setuptools_scm plugin that adds support for git archives
- python34-ydiff - View colored, incremental diff