- cachetool - Manage PHP cache in the CLI
- geoipupdate-cron - Cron job to do weekly updates of GeoIP databases
- geoipupdate-cron6 - Cron job to do weekly updates of GeoIP IPv6 databases
- magescan - Scan a Magento site for information
- n98-magerun - n98-magerun. The swiss army knife for Magento developers
- n98-magerun-module-download - CLI for downloading Magento patches and releases
- n98-magerun-module-hypernode - The useful n98-magerun plugins by Hypernode
- n98-magerun-module-mpmd - Magento Project Mess Detector
- n98-magerun-module-peterjaap - Useful n98-magerun plugins by Peter Jaap Blaakmeer
- n98-magerun2 - The Swiss Army knife for Magento 2 developers
- n98-magerun2-module-getpagespeed - The n98-magerun2 module by GetPageSpeed
- nginx-all-modules - A meta package that installs all base NGINX modules
- nginx-cloudflare-ips-v4 - Cloudflare IPv4 list for NGINX
- nginx-cloudflare-ips-v6 - Cloudflare IPv6 list for NGINX
- nginx-devel - RPM macros for NGINX modules packaging
- nginx-owasp-crs - OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set for Nginx
- phpcompatinfo - Find the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of PHP code to run
- python2-cloudflare - Python wrapper for the Cloudflare Client API v4
- python2-sde - Python 2 module to edit simple data
- python34-setuptools_scm_git_archive - A setuptools_scm plugin that adds support for git archives
- python34-ydiff - View colored, incremental diff
- rpmdevtools - RPM Development Tools
- sde - Simple data editor
- spectool2 - The .spec file editor
- tracefile - List files being accessed
- vim-varnish - Vim syntax for Varnish
- wp-cli - The command line interface for WordPress
- wp-cli-completion-bash - A bash completion helper for wp-cli
- ydiff - View colored, incremental diff