Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- libinjection - SQL / SQLI tokenizer parser analyzer library
- libinjection-devel - Development files for libinjection
- libinjection-tests - Various tools for testing libinjection
- libmodsecurity - A library that loads/interprets rules written in the ModSecurity SecRules
- libmodsecurity-devel - Development files for libmodsecurity
- libmodsecurity-selinux - SELinux policy module required to run libmodsecurity
- libmodsecurity-static - Development files for libmodsecurity
- libmozjpeg - MozJPEG, the improved JPEG encoder. Drop-in library
- libmozjpeg-devel - Development files for libmozjpeg
- libmozjpeg-static - Static libraries for libmozjpeg
- libmozjpeg-utils - Utilities for manipulating JPEG images
- libsregex - Development files for libsregex
- libsregex-devel - Non-backtracking NFA/DFA-based Perl-compatible regex engine
- libsxg - Signed HTTP Exchange library
- libsxg-devel - Signed HTTP Exchange library
- libxquic - High-performance QUIC protocol implementation
- libxquic-devel - Files for development of applications which will use libxquic
- libxquic-static - Static files for development of applications which will use libxquic
- lua-cjson - Lua Extension: JSON Encoding/Decoding
- lua-rds-parser - Resty DBD Stream (RDS) parser for Lua written in C
- lua-stringy - Fast lua string operations
- lua5.1-cjson - Lua Extension: JSON Encoding/Decoding for Lua 5.1
- lua5.1-rds-parser - Resty DBD Stream (RDS) parser for Lua 5.1 written in C
- lua5.1-stringy - Fast lua string operations for Lua 5.1
- luajit2 - OpenResty's Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
- luajit2-devel - Development files for luajit2