
autoconf269 - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code

License: GPLv3+ and GFDL
GNU Autoconf is a tool for configuring source code and Makefiles.
Using Autoconf, programmers can create portable and configurable
packages, since the person building the package is allowed to
specify various configuration options.

You should install Autoconf if you are developing software and
would like to create shell scripts that configure your source code
packages. If you are installing Autoconf, you will also need to
install the GNU m4 package.

Note that the Autoconf package is not required for the end-user who
may be configuring software with an Autoconf-generated script;
Autoconf is only required for the generation of the scripts, not
their use.

This provides a more recent version with program suffix "269", e.g.
autoconf269, for building packages that need it.
Distro notes:
This package is compatible with all RHEL-based distributions, including CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Rocky Linux, etc.

How to Install

sudo yum -y install
sudo yum -y install autoconf269


autoconf269-2.69-1.el6.noarch [736 KiB] Changelog by Danila Vershinin (2019-12-23):
- 2.69
