Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- pip-safe - Safe pip installer for command-line Python apps
- pip3-safe - Install Python 3 apps from PyPi in a safe way
- python-flake8 - Code checking using pep8 and pyflakes
- python2-CacheControl - httplib2 caching for requests
- python2-cloudflare - Python wrapper for the Cloudflare Client API v4
- python2-fds - Python 2 module for fds
- python2-lastversion - Python 2 module to get last GitHub release version
- python2-sde - Python 2 module to edit simple data
- python2-setuptools_scm - The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
- python2-setuptools_scm_git_archive - Git archive plugin setuptools_scm
- python2-tqdm - A Fast, Extensible Progress Meter
- python3-CacheControl - httplib2 caching for requests
- python3-appdirs - Python 3.7 module for determining platform-specific directories
- python3-beautifulsoup4 - HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
- python3-dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- python3-distro - Linux Distribution - a Linux OS platform information API
- python3-feedparser - Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
- python3-gixy - NGINX configuration static analyzer library
- python3-html5lib - A python based HTML parser/tokenizer
- python3-lastversion - Python 3 module to get last GitHub release version
- python3-packaging - Core utilities for Python packages
- python3-pretend - A library for stubbing in Python
- python3-pyparsing - Documentation for pyparsing python package
- python3-setuptools_scm - The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
- python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive - A setuptools_scm plugin that adds support for git archives
- python3-tabulate - Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility
- python3-tqdm - A Fast, Extensible Progress Meter
- python3-ydiff - View colored, incremental diff