- GeoIP-GeoLite-data - Free GeoLite IP geolocation country database
- PyQt4-doc - PyQt4 developer documentation and examples
- aggregate6 - IPv4 and IPv6 prefix aggregation tool
- bleachbit - Python utility to free disk space and improve privacy
- ca-certificates-ru - The Russian CA root certificate bundle
- cachetool - Manage PHP cache in the CLI
- chatgpt-cli - ChatGPT Command-line Application
- cloudflareddns - DDNS with Cloudflare
- compat-lua-alt-getopt - Argument processing module for Lua
- ddccontrol-db - DDC/CI control database for ddccontrol
- ddccontrol-doc - Documentation files for ddccontrol
- dnsperftest - Test performance of the most popular DNS resolvers
- dropbox - Client for Linux
- duplicati - Backup client for encrypted online backups
- epel-next-release - Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Next repository configuration
- epel-release - Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
- expected-devel - Development files for expected
- extra-cmake-modules - Additional modules for CMake build system
- fds - The go-to FirewallD CLI companion app
- firebird-doc - Documentation for Firebird SQL server
- firebird-examples - Examples for Firebird SQL server
- firewalld-ipset-braintree - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-circleci - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-cloudflare-v4 - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-cloudflare-v6 - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-jetpack - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-metabase - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-paypal - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-stripe - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- firewalld-ipset-twitter - Braintree FirewallD IP set
- geoipupdate-cron - Cron job to do weekly updates of GeoIP databases
- gixy - Nginx configuration static analyzer
- gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus - Move all legacy tray icons to the top panel
- gnome-vfs2-common - Common files for gnome-vfs2
- green-recorder - A simple yet functional desktop recorder for Linux systems. Supports both Xorg server and Wayland (GNOME).
- gstreamer-devel-docs - Developer documentation for GStreamer streaming media framework
- guake - Drop-down terminal for GNOME
- iterm2-shell-integration-bash - iTerm2 Shell Integration
- iterm2-utilities - iTerm2 Shell Utilities
- jinja2-cli - CLI interface to Jinja2
- kde-settings - Config files for kde
- kde-settings-plasma - Configuration files for plasma
- kde-settings-pulseaudio - Enable pulseaudio support in KDE
- kf5-rpm-macros - RPM macros for KDE Frameworks 5
- lastversion - A CLI tool to get last GitHub release version
- libappindicator-docs - Documentation for libappindicator and libappindicator-gtk3
- libdbusmenu-doc - Document files for libdbusmenu
- libspf2-apidocs - API documentation for the libspf2 library
- lua-moonscript - A little language that compiles to Lua
- magescan - Scan a Magento site for information
- makeself - Make self-extractable archives on Unix
- minizip1.2-epel-trans - Meta package for obsoleting minizip-compat with minizip1.2 from EPEL
- n98-magerun - n98-magerun. The swiss army knife for Magento developers
- n98-magerun-module-hypernode - The useful n98-magerun plugins by Hypernode
- n98-magerun-module-mpmd - Magento Project Mess Detector
- n98-magerun-module-peterjaap - Useful n98-magerun plugins by Peter Jaap Blaakmeer
- n98-magerun2 - The Swiss Army knife for Magento 2 developers
- n98-magerun2-module-getpagespeed - The n98-magerun2 module by GetPageSpeed
- nginx-all-modules - A meta package that installs all base NGINX modules
- nginx-cloudflare-ips-v4 - Cloudflare IPv4 list for NGINX
- nginx-cloudflare-ips-v6 - Cloudflare IPv6 list for NGINX
- nginx-devel - RPM macros for NGINX modules packaging
- nginx-owasp-crs - OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set for Nginx
- ngm - A CLI tool to manage NGINX configuration
- ngxtop - Real-time metrics for NGINX
- nikto - Web server scanner
- perl-libwhisker2 - Perl module geared specifically for HTTP testing
- perl-libwhisker2-doc - Development documentation for perl-libwhisker2
- php-channel-phing - Adds phing channel to PEAR
- php-pear-phing - A project build system based on Apache Ant
- pip-safe - Safe pip installer for command-line Python apps
- pip2-safe - Install Python 2 apps from PyPi in a safe way
- pip3-safe - Install Python 3 apps from PyPi in a safe way
- protobuf-emacs - Emacs mode for Google Protocol Buffers descriptions
- protobuf-emacs-el - Elisp source files for Google protobuf Emacs mode
- protobuf-vim - Vim syntax highlighting for Google Protocol Buffers descriptions
- python-dateutil-doc - API documentation for python-dateutil
- python-olefile-doc - Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
- python-pyperclip-doc - Pyperclip documentation
- python-webencodings-doc - Documentation for python-webencodings
- python2-CacheControl - httplib2 caching for requests
- python2-configparser - Backport of Python 3 configparser module
- python2-dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- python2-freezegun - Let your Python tests travel through time
- python2-gflags - Commandline flags module for Python 2
- python2-google-apputils - Google Application Utilities for Python
- python2-html5lib - A python based HTML parser/tokenizer
- python2-mox - Mock object framework
- python2-olefile - Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
- python2-ply - Python Lex-Yacc
- python2-protobuf - Python 2 bindings for Google Protocol Buffers
- python2-scons - An Open Source software construction tool
- python2-sure - Utility belt for automated testing in Python 2
- python2-tabulate - Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility
- python2-unversioned-command - Interpreter of the Python programming language
- python2-webencodings - Documentation for python-webencodings
- python3-CacheControl - httplib2 caching for requests
- python3-aggregate6 - Python 3 module to aggregate IP prefixes
- python3-cached_property - A cached-property for decorating methods in Python classes.
- python3-cloudflare - Python wrapper for the Cloudflare Client API v4
- python3-cloudflareddns - Python module to update A/AAAA records in Cloudflare
- python3-fds - Python 3 module for fds
- python3-feedparser - Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
- python3-freezegun - Let your Python tests travel through time
- python3-gflags - Commandline flags module for Python 3
- python3-gixy - NGINX configuration static analyzer library
- python3-google-apputils - Google Application Utilities for Python 3
- python3-hsaudiotag - Pure-python library that reads audio file metadata
- python3-html5lib - A python based HTML parser/tokenizer
- python3-lastversion - Python 3 module to get last GitHub release version
- python3-packaging - Core utilities for Python packages
- python3-ply - Python Lex-Yacc
- python3-protobuf - Python 3 bindings for Google Protocol Buffers
- python3-pyperclip - A cross-platform clipboard module for Python
- python3-pytest-expect - py.test plugin to store test expectations and mark tests based on them
- python3-qrcodegen - High-quality QR Code generator library (Python version)
- python3-scons - An Open Source software construction tool
- python3-sde - Python 3 module to to edit simple data
- python3-send2trash - Python library to natively send files to Trash
- python3-setuptools_scm_git_archive - A setuptools_scm plugin that adds support for git archives
- python3-sure - Utility belt for automated testing in Python 2 3
- python3-tldextract - Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL
- python3-u-msgpack-python - A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer
- python3-unversioned-command - Interpreter of the Python programming language
- python3-webencodings - Documentation for python-webencodings
- python3-ydiff - View colored, incremental diff
- qcustomplot-doc - Documentation and examples for qcustomplot
- qt-common - Common files for Qt
- qt-devel-private - Private headers for Qt toolkit
- qt-doc - API documentation for qt
- qt-mobility-doc - API documentation for qt-mobility
- qt-settings - Configuration files for Qt
- rpmrebuild - A tool to build rpm file from rpm database
- rubygem-asciidoctor - A fast, open source AsciiDoc implementation in Ruby
- rubygem-asciidoctor-doc - Documentation for rubygem-asciidoctor
- sde - Simple data editor
- spectool2 - The .spec file editor
- stack-scripts - A collection of useful Bash scripts
- terminator - Store and run multiple GNOME terminals in one window
- tlp - Advanced power management tool for Linux
- tlp-rdw - Radio Device Wizard for TLP
- tracefile - List files being accessed
- vsqlite++-doc - Development documentation for vsqlite++
- waylandpp-doc - Documentation for waylandpp
- wkhtmltopdf-doc - Documentation for wkhtmltopdf
- wp-cli - The command line interface for WordPress
- wp-cli-completion-bash - A bash completion helper for wp-cli
- wxPython-devel - Development files for wxPython add-on modules
- wxPython-docs - Documentation and samples for wxPython
- ydiff - View colored, incremental diff